HP59307A Remote Control Software


  • HP59307A Control Software V1.0.0 (Full distribution)  All the required files and the setup program

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    This software allows your PC to control up to three HP-59307A VHF switch units through their HPIB bus.
    It requires a GPIB card and the GPIB National Instrument drivers been installed on the control system.


    Run the application and select the 'config.' button to set the GPIB parameters.
    The 'HP59307.exe' can be launch with the '-clean' line parameter to clean the registry related keys and values.
    Take care that the HP59307A is a listener so we are not able to read its current setting when starting up.


    Setting switches Editing labels
    Setting number of units Unit HPIB parameter

    Additional Notes

    The HP59307A VHF switch can be used from DC to 500Ghz. Here they are used as selectors between some of my receivers and the antenna spliters

    Last revision: 2006/07/29